Friday, January 02, 2009


I love leftovers.

Thanksgiving leftovers.
Christmas leftovers.
Wednesday night meal leftovers.
Last night's dinner leftovers.
At other people's house leftovers.

There is just something about pulling some food out of the fridge and throwing it in the microwave for an almost instant delight. Over my years as a youth minister, I can count on one hand the amount of times that we've had leftovers at church and no one asked me to take them home to eat later. I'm not really sure where my fascination comes from, but I have a feeling that it has to do with the idea that when I eat leftovers, it's not costing me anything and thus I am saving money...which I support.

So to start the new year off, here's my list of the best and worst leftovers to eat in my book:

Top Leftovers:
Pizza (cold or hot)
Half a burger from a takeout box (this helps me justify spending a lot of money on a meal, if I split it between dinner one night and lunch the next day)
Bar-B-Que Sandwiches (good ole' sammiches)

Worst Leftovers:
Chicken Noodle Soup (never been a huge soup fan)
Chili (don't look at it in the tupperware too long or you might puke)
Salad (the leaves get all soggy and slimy)

What's yours?


  1. I dont know what my favorite left over end up eating it before I get to it :)


  2. I like leftover spaghetti.

    I don't like leftover french fries.
