Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Belt of Truth

On Sunday, our kids devotion was about putting on the Armor of God, from Ephesians 6.

I decided to play a giant board game with them.

Every kid took a plastic cup and designed their own game piece that represented them. Then, one by one, each kid would roll a die and move around the board by picking up while picking up the different pieces of the Armor of God. If you landed on a piece of armor, you got that piece. If anyone landed on it after you, they took the piece away from you. The object was to have the most pieces of armor at the end of the game.

Despite the flawed premiss of the game...
  1. You should have your armor on before you leave start
  2. You shouldn't steal from people
  3. You especially shouldn't steal other people's armor
... it went well and the kids loved it

There was one particular incident that made me laugh hard.
One of the kids rolled the die and moved to the spot on the game board where the "Belt of Truth" was. As he bends over to put his game piece on the right spot, one of the kids behind him yells, "You need the Belt of Truth...I can see your crack."
That, my friends, is what the belt of truth is all about.
Ephesians 6:14
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...

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