Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Halloween is a whole different world in downtown Athens. If you've never been, on Halloween night there are some of the most creative, thought-out, hilarious costumes that you will ever see. This is the kind of thing that people watching is made for.

Trisha and I went downtown to witness this last year and we've decided to make it a tradition. This year we took some friends with us and again spent the entire night watching and laughing.

This year, we dressed up though.
I was Todd Palin. Trisha was Sarah Palin.I even made some campaign stickers.This is one of my favorite shots from the night. Mrs. Bearden getting ready.And here we are as the couple.Any resemblance?We probably saw about 5 or 6 other Palins downtown along with a barage of other characters.

My favorite part of the night was that we came up with the idea to play Halloween Bingo.
You make your own Bingo card full of costumes that people might be wearing and as you see those particular ones, you mark it off.

My Bingo card included: Michael Phelps, Ninja, Stewie Griffin, Michael Scott, Witch, Pirate, Mark Richt, Batman, Phillies Phan, Sarah Palin, Maid, Jim Halpert, Spiderman, Johnny Knoxville, Hulk, Joker, 3 Hole Punch, The Male Anatomy, Anchorman, UGA VII, Meatwad, Gas Prices, Ape, and the 3 Stooges.

I did not win, but the costumes were great. Here were the best:
1. Reno 911 Cast - 2 Guys, one had the short, shorts on and the other had the high and tight haircut.
2. Sarah Palin - (my wife's was the best) but there was one Palin that was campaigning for Obama...I thought to be funny
3. Michael Phelps - I'm pretty sure the guy was about 5'3" and 200lbs...he was also wearing a speedo...priceless
4. Cowboy - this is the one where the guys top half is the cowboy and the bottom half is the front legs of the horse. Then fill in the rest with stuffed legs for the cowboy and back legs of the horse...makes me laugh everytime. It's like an Ansel Adams picture.
5. Dorothy and Tinman - There was one couple that was out and about that had to be in their 60's dressed as these two. I support their effort.
6. Clark Kent and Lois Lane - Lois Lane had her press pass and Clark Kent's shirt was half opened revealing the S underneath. I thought that was a good couples costume.
7. Dominoes - There wasn't much to it other than all black and a few white dots. The guy was the double 6. The girl was the double 4. I liked this one because I'm an avid fan of Chicken Foot...a dominoes phenomenon.
8. Joker - There were a few out and about, but the one I liked the most was the guy in the nurse's outfit. I thought that was clever...especially having liked Dark Knight so much, I really appreciated this one.

Any other ones stick out?

1 comment:

  1. ok, so i haven't read your blog in a while so that is why i am just now commenting! But your halloween costumes were just hilarious! Y'all are awesome!!! What a cute couple!
