Thursday, November 13, 2008

Adam and Eve

Every Sunday I get the chance to sit down in front of the church and have all the little kids come up for a "Moments with Brody." They gather around and I share some spiritual truth based off of an object that I have with me.

While growing up, I had a "Moments with Uncle Bill" every Sunday at my home church where I would do the same. It's where I learned what I know about Children's Sermons.

Today I got an email saying that "Uncle Bill" was in the hospital and not doing well at all. So I went and sat and talked with the family for awhile. One of the topics that came up was Children's Sermons that Uncle Bill did.

Molly (Bill's Wife) shared one in particular and it made me I thought I'd share an excerpt.

Uncle Bill: Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on Earth. They were in the Garden of Eden and they took care of it. God made Adam out of dirt. God made Eve out of Adam's rib. Why do you think that God didn't make Eve out of dirt, too?
Kid: Because God didn't want to waste anymore dirt.

That's classic.

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