My sophomore year in college, one of my roommates bought a roll of trash bags. When he got home, it turned out that the bags were too small for the trash can...
So what did we do? The only logical thing...we sawed the trash can down to size...now they'll fit.
So we used those bags...and used them...and used them. Turns out this roll of trash bags was like a cage of rabbits, because the more we used, the more there were. The bags kept coming and coming...it must have been some 500 bags or something.
When we all graduated college and went our separate ways, each of the roommates left certain things behind for whoever wanted them. Since one of the guys got married, another moved to NYC, and the other worked camp all summer...most of those "leave behinds" fell to me. That roll of trash bags was one of them. The gift that keeps on giving.
I've still been using those bags ever since. The roll of trash bags has been getting smaller and smaller and the feeling of sadness had been creeping up on me, like when you are coming towards the end of a good book or when you are on the john and it doesn't appear like there is going to be enough roll to take care of the wipeage. I could sense the end.
Tonight it happened. They are no more. They served me well. The longevity was outstanding (approx. 5 years) and the durability was uncontested. It was everything a roll of trash bags was meant to be. Those trash bags will forever be ingrained in my mind as the best there ever was.
So in honor of said bags, I present this memorial...in haiku form
Oh, endless trash bags
Containing all of my waste
You finished the drill
Containing all of my waste
You finished the drill
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