I came out late that Saturday night and saw that there was some serious nastiness all over my car. The next day, I found out who did it and that they used approximately 10 packages of Oreos. If you know me, then you can probably guess that I wasn’t really mad about having oreos all over my car. I was more upset that they would waste 10 packages of Oreos when I know that by myself I could have eaten at least 5 of those packages...shameful.
I drove to church that Sunday night with all 360 of those oreos still stuck to my windows. About 36 of them flew off and scattered all over the road between my house and the church. However, most of them were stuck pretty good, though. When I got to church, I told all of the 2nd through 5th graders that if they wanted cookies, they needed to go out and get them off my car. I was partly kidding. They, however, screamed and ran outside. I came out and saw about 7 kids hanging on my car and eating the oreos off of it...I probably should have stopped them...but I just didn't.
You know, that whole ordeal is a lot like sin in our lives. We get this stuff, this sin, stuck in our lives. And we let it build up. And more often than not we don’t really take notice until it has gotten out of hand. Then we finally realize, “Hey, I should do something about this.” So we take our spatula of quick prayers and sunday sermons, we pat ourselves on the back and assume all is well. Yet we wake up day after day and there is this blurriness cast over our eyes and everything we do has this cream-filled taint to it, this coat of icing.
The truth of the matter is until you really clean it, and by really clean it, I mean really ask God for forgiveness and sincerely seek to make matters right and pure, then you will carry this coat of icing. But when you do ask God to clean you, there is this clarity and vision that helps you to really see life as it really is.
I pray that you get de-oreoed. My prayer is that whatever nastiness is giving you blurred vision, that you ask God to completely remove it and give you a new and clear vision for your life.
That's what I desire...
That and a glass of milk.
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