Vacation Bible School is this week at my church.
This means several things: 1. As a church we have tried to create a pretty incredible environment for the kids to learn stuff about Jesus in. Thisincludes any and every kind of hawaiian decoration you can think of relating to the theme, Outrigger Island. This year, the big object is the Volcano that we've been putting dry ice into so that it pours smoke throughout the scenery. (You can see it at the top right of this picture)
2. Some ridiculously catchy songs will enter into your head that you will remember years down the road...don't believe me...try this on for size:
- "Arctic Edge...Where adventure meets courage...courage...courage..."
- "Game Day...Central...where Heroes are made..."
- If those don't ring a bell, then you should probably helping out with your church's VBS more.
3. There are a lot of kids all jacked up on kool-aid and candy bars running circles around the church for 3 hours every night.
4. I will concoct some pretty nifty outfits to wear all week. My "Masters Collection" has been my favorite thus far.
(It was also called my "Celebrate the Boston Celtics NBA Championship suit" & my "Leprechaun Suit.")You might not be able to make it out in this smaller picture, but those are indeed green and white striped pants that I am wearing and they match the coat perfectly. In fact, my camera could barely contain the epic proportions of awesomeness that these pants exude because the stripes were more like swirls on the screen. You have to click on the larger picture to see the completeness of these threads.
PS. I love the thrift store
I think the statistic is something like 25% of all confessions of faith are made during Vacation Bible School. That makes me excited. The combination of kids seeing truth for the first time and me getting to wear some ridiculously awesome outfits is uber sweet.
I heart VBS